24 Jan 2012

THE BEGINNING - 080 - Alexis Reyna

Today I decided to start writing a fashion blog.  I study Fashion Marketing and Communication at IED (Instituto Europeo di Design) Barcelona, and I want to document my studies and life around the fashion world.  I thought today was the perfect day to start documenting my life related to fashion as I "won" a ticket to my first fashion show today in class.  I say "won" because we each had to put our hand in a bag filled with little pieces of paper and 4 of them had the teachers signature on them, we then got to pick an invitation, which was face down, from his hand and mine was an invitation to Alexis Reyna's Fashion Show.  The show is tomorrow night at 9pm and I'm going with another girl from my class who "won" the same invitation as I did. I'm so excited to be attending my very first fashion show. I hope it's an inspiring start to my life in the fashion industry and to this blog which will document my journey.

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